Plotting functions often needed. Not extremely well polished, rather a tool for quick visualization.
plot_predicted_ts(ts_true, ts_pred, start=None, end=None, ax=None, title='', figsize=(6, 2), legend=True)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ts_true |
Union[numpy.ndarray, List, pandas.core.series.Series] |
np.ndarray, List, pd.Series Target time series. |
required |
ts_pred |
Union[numpy.ndarray, List, pandas.core.series.Series] |
np.ndarray, List, pd.Series Predicted time series. |
required |
start |
int |
int, optional Plot will be timeseries[start: end]. |
None |
end |
int |
int, optional Plot will be timeseries[start: end]. |
None |
ax |
Axes |
plt.Axes, optional Axes to plot on. If None, a new figure is created. Default None |
None |
title |
str |
str,optional Plot title. |
'' |
figsize |
Tuple |
tuple Figure size. Default (6, 2). |
(6, 2) |
legend |
bool |
bool If True, legend is added ("target", "predicted"). |
True |
Type | Description |
ax |
matplotlib Axes Returns the Axes object with the plot drawn onto it. |
Source code in echoes/plotting/
def plot_predicted_ts(
ts_true: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.Series],
ts_pred: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.Series],
start: int = None,
end: int = None,
ax: plt.Axes = None,
title: str = "",
figsize: Tuple = (6, 2),
legend: bool = True,
) -> None:
ts_true: np.ndarray, List, pd.Series
Target time series.
ts_pred: np.ndarray, List, pd.Series
Predicted time series.
start: int, optional
Plot will be timeseries[start: end].
end: int, optional
Plot will be timeseries[start: end].
ax: plt.Axes, optional
Axes to plot on. If None, a new figure is created.
Default None
title: str,optional
Plot title.
figsize: tuple
Figure size.
Default (6, 2).
legend: bool
If True, legend is added ("target", "predicted").
ax: matplotlib Axes
Returns the Axes object with the plot drawn onto it.
if isinstance(ts_true, pd.Series):
ts_true = ts_true.values
if isinstance(ts_pred, pd.Series):
ts_pred = ts_pred.values
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax.plot(ts_true[start:end], color="steelblue", label="target", linewidth=5.5)
ax.set_ylabel("output value")
if legend:
return ax
plot_reservoir_activity(esn, neurons, train=False, pred=True, start=None, end=None, figsize=(15, 9), **kwargs)
Plot the activity, ie time series of states, of the reservoir neurons.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
esn |
Union[echoes.esn._regressor.ESNRegressor, echoes.esn._generator.ESNGenerator] |
ESNPredictive, ESNGenerative Instances of ESN after fitting and/or prediction. |
required |
neurons |
Union[numpy.ndarray, List] |
np.ndarray or List List of reservoir neurons indices whose time series will be plotted. |
required |
train |
bool |
bool, optional If True, the time series during training will be plotted. Either train or pred must be True, but only one of the two. |
False |
pred |
bool |
bool, optional If True, the time series during prediction will be plotted. Either train or pred must be True, but only one of the two. |
True |
start |
int |
int, optional Plot will be timeseries[start: end]. |
None |
end |
int |
int, optional Plot will be timeseries[start: end]. |
None |
suptitle |
str, optional Plot suptitle. |
required | |
figsize |
Tuple |
tuple Figure size. Default (15, 10). |
(15, 9) |
kwargs |
dict Plotting kwargs passed to plt.plot |
{} |
Type | Description |
fig |
plt.figure Figure object for fine tuning. |
Source code in echoes/plotting/
def plot_reservoir_activity(
esn: Union[ESNRegressor, ESNGenerator],
neurons: Union[np.ndarray, List],
train: bool = False,
pred: bool = True,
start: int = None,
end: int = None,
figsize: Tuple = (15, 9),
Plot the activity, ie time series of states, of the reservoir
esn: ESNPredictive, ESNGenerative
Instances of ESN after fitting and/or prediction.
neurons: np.ndarray or List
List of reservoir neurons indices whose time series will be plotted.
train: bool, optional
If True, the time series during training will be plotted.
Either train or pred must be True, but only one of the two.
pred: bool, optional
If True, the time series during prediction will be plotted.
Either train or pred must be True, but only one of the two.
start: int, optional
Plot will be timeseries[start: end].
end: int, optional
Plot will be timeseries[start: end].
suptitle: str, optional
Plot suptitle.
figsize: tuple
Figure size.
Default (15, 10).
kwargs: dict
Plotting kwargs passed to plt.plot
fig: plt.figure
Figure object for fine tuning.
assert train or pred, "either train or pred must be True"
assert not (train and pred), "only one of train or pred can be True"
n_neurons = len(neurons)
# Grab time series to plot
ts = esn.states_pred_ if pred else esn.states_train_
# Plot test
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
nrows=int(np.ceil(n_neurons / 3)), ncols=3, figsize=figsize
if "linewidth" in kwargs:
linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidht")
linewidth = 3
if "color" in kwargs:
color = kwargs.pop("color")
color = ".6"
for neuron_idx, neuron in enumerate(neurons):
ax = axes.flat[neuron_idx]
ax.plot(ts[start:end, neuron], linewidth=linewidth, color=color, **kwargs)
ax.set_title(f"reservoir neuron idx: {neuron}")
# Delete unnecessary axes
if n_neurons % 3 == 1:
elif n_neurons % 3 == 2:
return fig
Set context and a couple of defaults for nicer plots.
Source code in echoes/plotting/
def set_mystyle():
"""Set context and a couple of defaults for nicer plots."""
rc={"grid.linestyle": "--", "grid.linewidth": 0.8},
Plotting functions related to the Memory Capacity task.
plot_forgetting_curve(lags, forgetting_curve, ax=None, **kwargs)
Plot forgetting curve, ie, memory capacity (MC) vs lag.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
lags |
Union[List, numpy.ndarray] |
np.ndarray or List Sequence of lags used in the memory capacity task. |
required |
forgetting_curve |
ndarray |
np.ndarray Sequence of results from the memory task. |
required |
ax |
Axes |
plt.Axes, optional If given plot will use this axes. |
None |
kwargs |
mapping, optional Plotting args passed to ax.plot. |
{} |
Source code in echoes/plotting/
def plot_forgetting_curve(
lags: Union[List, np.ndarray],
forgetting_curve: np.ndarray,
ax: plt.Axes = None,
) -> None:
Plot forgetting curve, ie, memory capacity (MC) vs lag.
lags: np.ndarray or List
Sequence of lags used in the memory capacity task.
forgetting_curve: np.ndarray
Sequence of results from the memory task.
ax: plt.Axes, optional
If given plot will use this axes.
kwargs: mapping, optional
Plotting args passed to ax.plot.
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(lags, forgetting_curve, **kwargs)
plot_mc_predicted_ts(lags, outputs_true, outputs_pred, start=None, end=None)
Plot true and predicted time series coming from memory capacity task for all lags.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
lags |
Union[List, numpy.ndarray] |
np.ndarray or List Delays to be evaluated (memory capacity). For example: np.arange(1, 31, 5). |
required |
ouputs_true |
np.ndarray of shape (len(ts), len(n_lags)) Target time series used for testing the model. |
required | |
ouputs_pred |
np.ndarray of shape (len(ts), len(n_lags)) Predicted time series resulting from testing the model. |
required | |
start/end |
int, optional Plot will we timeseries[start: end], to exclude transient. |
required |
Source code in echoes/plotting/
def plot_mc_predicted_ts(
lags: Union[List, np.ndarray],
outputs_true: np.ndarray,
outputs_pred: np.ndarray,
start: int = None,
end: int = None,
) -> None:
Plot true and predicted time series coming from memory capacity
task for all lags.
lags: np.ndarray or List
Delays to be evaluated (memory capacity).
For example: np.arange(1, 31, 5).
ouputs_true: np.ndarray of shape (len(ts), len(n_lags))
Target time series used for testing the model.
ouputs_pred: np.ndarray of shape (len(ts), len(n_lags))
Predicted time series resulting from testing the model.
start/end: int, optional
Plot will we timeseries[start: end], to exclude transient.
assert (
outputs_true.shape == outputs_pred.shape
), "true and pred outputs must have same shape"
assert (
len(lags) == outputs_true.shape[1]
), "second dimension of outputs must equal len(lags)"
n_lags = len(lags)
# Plot test
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
nrows=int(np.ceil(n_lags / 2)), ncols=2, figsize=(18, 2.0 * n_lags)
for lag_idx, lag in enumerate(lags):
ax = axes.flat[lag_idx]
outputs_true[:, lag_idx],
outputs_pred[:, lag_idx],
title=f"lag = {lag}",
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
loc="upper center",
if n_lags % 2 != 0: