Python Packages

I created and maintain the following Python packages:


A scikit-learn compatible package for Machine Learning with Echo State Networks

  • 🤖 Machine learning with Echo State Networks
  • 🧱 High level API, scikit-learn compatible API, eg fit-predict interface
  • 💨 Fast! (Thanks to numba ✨)
  • 🐍 pip install echoes


Classical model to study synchronization phenomena

  • 🤹 Implementation of the Kuramoto model on graphs.
  • 🐍 pip install kuramoto


Susceptible-Excited-Refractory, a dynamical model of spreading excitations

  • 🚥 Implementation of classic SER model on graphs
  • 🏃 Powered by numba for speed.
  • 🐍 pip install ser


Container images with specific TorchServe and Python version working out-of-the-box. This is a GitHub-Action-based cron job that watches for TorchServe releases and automatically generates and pushed the images to Dockerhub.


TorchServe is a popular framework to deploy PyTorch-based neural networks. I have fixed bugs in Dockerfile and build scripts. I have also implemented CI (GitHub) workflows for continuous testing of docker images and containers.


A Neovim Plugin to render in-line, human-readable cron expressions. Cronex is kind of a “client” that allows the Neovim user to integrate and customize “servers” that actually parse the expressions (“explainers”) in a flexible fashion.


For more details, check out my GitHub Profile.