1  Getting Started

1.1 Introduction

For historical and technical reasons installing Python and managing dependencies is more cumbersome than it should be and as of today (October 2024) there are way too many ways to deal with those problems. My recommendation here is: Pick one system that works for you and stick to it.

We essentially need to carry out three tasks:

  • Install Python (the language itself)
  • Manage virtual environments
  • Install third party libraries

We will use here uv which is a high level tool that does all three for us.

1.2 Install uv

Run only one of these commands in your terminal - pick according to your operating system:

Linux and macOS

curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh

Make sure you are using powershell!

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm https://astral.sh/uv/install.ps1 | iex"

That should be enough, but for more details you can follow detailed instructions here.

1.3 Working on a project

To start a new project run in your terminal:

uv init pycourse --lib --python 3.12

pycourse is the name of the project, you can choose anything you want.
The --lib flag tells uv to install the current code as a “library” (don’t worry about this yet, it’s just something we need to get things working for now).
The --python flags specifies the specific python version we want to work with in this project. If the version is already installed in our machine uv will just use it, otherwise uv will download it and keep it for future usage.

uv will create a new directory with all the necessary boilerplate to get python running, including a virtual environment (by default, under the hidden directory .venv) and a pyproject.toml file (we’ll look at those later when dealing with dependencies).
For more details on uv and projects see the documentation here.

Change your directory into the newly created folder:

cd pycourse

You should see a structure like this:

├── pyproject.toml
├── README.md
└── src
    └── pycourse
        └── __init__.py

If everything worked fine you should be able to run this:

uv run python

and see a python REPL.

We’re ready to go 🚀!